The Asian Development Bank said on Friday that India, Pakistan and China had borrowed the lion's share of the $5.68 billion it lent to 21 nations last year.
Congress gets into the opposition groove but still has miles to go, says Saroj Nagi.
'Vietnam has become an adjective as well as a verb -- the Americans, for instance, were driven by the passion to do a 'Vietnam' on the Soviet Union when that country invaded Afghanistan in 1979.'
'Sonia is trying to become a politician again. Will she succeed?'
Indian economy about to take-off
NDA government has shunned populism.
In a glittering ceremony, former president Bill Clinton Thursday evening presented six individuals, including New Delhi-based Ruchira Gupta -- journalist, activist and policymaker, who for the past 25 years has worked relentlessly for women's and girl's rights, especially the ending of their sex trafficking -- with the 2009 Clinton Global Citizen Awards.
The story of the 1962 war with China has all the elements of a dramatic historical event. Nehru's handling of the crisis and panic reactions were in marked contrast to the cool and confident Kennedy. The generous and prompt response by JFK made him an icon in India. But the US State Department, under pressure from Pakistan and with British support, scuttled the chances of a more lasting India-US alliance, say Colonel Anil Athale (retd).
The Indian golfer was tied seventh at three-under 141, four behind midway leader Liang Wen-Chong of China at the Philippines Open.
The duo share the lead on 10-under-par 134 on day 2 of the Indian Open.
Substitute Bijen Singh's goal gave the Indian champions a 2-1 victory over Indonesia's Persita Tangerang \n\nin the quarter-finals.
The formalisation of Asean-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA) covering the goods sector marks an important step towards India's deepening trade links with its partners in the Asian region.
The Indian and Chinese premiers have an unprecedented historical opportunity to create such a mechanism for sharing international rivers. It will not only help the two countries but it has the potential to create a remarkable example for the rest of the world, says Himashu Thakkar.
'China-India relations are now in the best shape in history. Bilateral ties have entered a new stage of comprehensive development and neither side views the other as a threat.'
'The people here understand that the Congress is not trying to exploit the voter on the basis of their caste, their religion. It wants development.'
In reality SAARC is largely a name board with annual rituals, not always regularly observed.
Overseas operations already account for nearly 30 per cent of the group's revenue now and the Novelis acquisition would go a long way in fulfilling group chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla's ambition
The Indian golfer carded a seven-under-par 66 to share the lead with Scotsman Kenny Walker after the first round in the Double A International Open.
The 9th Mumbai Academy of Moving Images showcased contemporary films, but hardly any classics.
It is not the border, nor Tibet and the Dalai Lama issue, but the growing relationship between Pakistan and China which gives the Indian Mandarins at the East Asian desk at the Ministry of External Affairs a headache.
'No nation can be self-sufficient in defence, nuclear and space technologies without domestic capabilities in hardware development and manufacturing,' says the Wipro chief.\n\n\n\n
The names of flag bearers in order of the country's entry into the Olympic stadium.
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India's performance on day five of the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, on Wednesday.
India's performance on day four of the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhour, on Tuesday.